Proof-theoretic Conservative Extension of HOL with Ad-hoc Overloading.
Arve Gengelbach and Tjark Weber
A Myhill-Nerode Theorem for Register Automata and Symbolic Trace Languages.
Frits Vaandrager and Abhisek Midya
Qsimulation V2.0: an Optimized Quantum Simulator. (Tool paper)
Hua Wu, Yuxin Deng, Ming Xu and Wenjie Du
CiMPG+F: A Proof Generator & Fixer-upper for CafeOBJ Specifications.
Adrián Riesco and Kazuhiro Ogata
Statistical Analysis of Non-Deterministic Fork-Join Processes.
Antoine Genitrini, Martin Pépin and Frédéric Peschanski
On Two Characterizations of Feature Models.
Ferruccio Damiani, Michael Lienhardt and Luca Paolini
The Complexity of Boolean State Separation.
Ronny Tredup and Evgeny Erofeev
Occupancy Number Restricted Boolean Petri Net Synthesis: A Fixed-Parameter Algorithm.
Evgeny Erofeev and Ronny Tredup
Star-freeness, First-order Definability and Aperiodicity of Structured Context-free Languages.
Dino Mandrioli, Matteo Pradella and Stefano Crespi Reghizzi
Formal Verification of Parallel Stream Compaction and Summed-Area Table Algorithms.
Mohsen Safari and Marieke Huisman
Compositionality of Safe Communication in Systems of Team Automata.
Maurice H. ter Beek, Rolf Hennicker and Jetty Kleijn
Analysis of Bayesian Networks via Prob-Solvable Loops.
Ezio Bartocci, Laura Kovács and Miroslav Stankovič
Semantics of a Relational Lambda-Calculus.
Pablo Barenbaum, Federico Lochbaum and Mariana Milicich
Implementing Hybrid Semantics: From Functional to Imperative.
Sergey Goncharov, Renato Neves and José Proença
Implementation correctness for Replicated Data Types, categorically.
Fabio Gadducci, Hernán Melgratti, Christian Roldán and Matteo Sammartino